Cold Sore Cures - Whats The Real Truth?

Cold sore cures - there has been a lot of argument whether or not they actually exist. Right now, I would like to give you the facts and put an end to the confusion about cold sore cures for good.
One group will tell you there are no cold sore cures available today. Another group swears there are several good cold sore cures in use right now. Who is telling the truth?
You may be surprised to know that both groups are right. Yes - it is because they are each talking about something different.

Those who tell you cold sore cures are not real are referring to the herpes simplex virus. This is the virus that causes all oral herpes outbreaks (cold sores). Once infected, this parasite virus will be a lifetime resident of your body. Cold sore cures, from their point of view, must remove the herpes virus from the body to be a true cure. Since the herpes virus cannot be taken out by any known method, they will shout there are NO cold sore cures. Directly opposed are medical experts who claim there are honest cold sore cures that can heal or prevent the actual oral herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Their claims are based on the idea that you are cured of the cold sore disease when you no longer exhibit the symptoms. Yes, this is true even if you still carry the virus. They also believe you have cured a cold sore when an outbreak is totally healed.
Give this some thought. Every pathogenic disease is manifested by a certain set of symptoms. And we all carry a variety of viruses and bacteria capable of creating those diseases. But if you have no symptoms, you do not have that disease. You will see that the argument is also valid with cold sores.
Almost 89% of the world's residents carry the virus (nearly every person alive). Yet, about 35% of those infected will never have a single cold sore event in their lifetime. Their immune system seems able to prevent them.

Wow. They enjoy the benefits of built-in cold sore cures without even knowing it. You and I have to work at it a little harder.
Cold sore cures can be defined as methods of prevention and healing cold sores. We will always carry the herpes simplex virus. There simply is no known way to change that right now. But, you can prevent the virus from activating.
Are you wanting to cure a current cold sore - or prevent future outbreaks? Either way, there are some very good cold sore cures that will help you reach your goal.
However, be careful with your money.
Cold sore remedies at the store are mainly for comfort. In spite of some big claims, do not expect the to cure cold sores or you will be disappointed. Quite likely you have already discovered this truth.
All cold sore cures are based on proper nutrition. The best way to achieve success is to start a daily vitamin regimen - and stick to it. This is a long-term commitment and very powerful method of coping with herpes virus.

Also, lysine has been proven to cure cold sores for many people. Some lucky individuals have every day high levels of lysine due to diet and lifestyle. Other people have to take lysine capsules to achieve the same success.
Do you suffer from long-lasting outbreaks or frequent occurrences? If so, put the above suggestions into play first. Then, if you still need help, you have created a solid foundation for additional cold sore cures.
Cold sore cures are available, but they can work differently for each person. Your body is one-of-a-kind in many ways. It may need an alternate approach for better success.
Getting quality nutrition and raising your immune system to a higher level will help any treatment work exceedingly better. And it will help in the creation of your own list of cold sore cures.